How Do You Treat Constipation Due To Medication. A number of prescription medications are available to treat chronic constipation. These include treatments for urinary incontinence, such as oxybutynin (Ditropan), and allergies, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
Taking moderate amounts of magnesium supplements. One is an injection, methylnaltrexone (Relistor). These medications are used to treat acid reflux and stomach ulcers (example: Gaviscon, Mylanta).
You'll want to know what types of.
Prescription Medicines to Ease Drug-Induced Constipation: If natural approaches like yours don't do the job, there are two prescription drugs to overcome this complication.
Learn More About How It Can Help. Magnesium citrate is a popular home remedy against constipation. Constipation is often due to:. changes in diet or routine Many times this can be controlled by diet. There are a lot of medicines to choose from for relief from chronic constipation. If self-care treatments don't work, your doctor may prescribe a medicine to treat your constipation. They're all effective for treatment of opioid-induced constipation, but some evidence shows that lactulose is better than sorbitol, and Miralax is better than lactulose.
If you don't drink enough fluids, dehydration can make. If constipation continues after a few months of hypothyroidism treatment and lifestyle changes to combat constipation, then you might need to talk to a gastroenterologist about other causes. Lubiprostone (Amitiza), linaclotide (Linzess) and plecanatide (Trulance) work by drawing water into your intestines and speeding up the movement of stool. Fiber can be a treatment for this specific type of constipation, but it's important to drink plenty of fluids while taking a fiber supplement. It is a common side effect of many over the counter as well as prescription medications. These medications block the effects of acetylcholine, a chemical that helps the muscles move.
Unfortunately, once the constipation has developed, it can be tricky to clear and may require the use of an enema. Less movement in the gut can lead to constipation. Eat high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.