
5 Month Old Hard Poop : He is a breastfeed baby n sometimes drinks formula he eats whole grain multigrain cereal that is mixed with yogurt n.

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5 Month Old Hard Poop. Also, as new foods are continually being added, some are more stopping than others. In contrast to the early newborn days when it seems every diaper change is a poop, your baby will naturally poop less as they get to be a few weeks to several months old.

A Guide to Your Newborn or Infant's Poop
A Guide to Your Newborn or Infant's Poop (Eric Stewart)
What are normal times for babies to poop? Just start by increasing what is good for her. Hard stools are very common among babies since many of them have just recently started with solid baby food, or the share of solids is increasing.

Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr.

It's common among toddlers who experience occasional hard stools.

I know that now that we have started cereal her poop was going to get thicker. Smell: It's oddly scent-free, since it hasn't yet been colonized by the bacteria she'll naturally pick up during and immediately after birth. Your baby may poop only once in a while -- it's perfectly normal for breastfed infants to have a bowel movement once a week. At first, breastfed babies may pass stool often since breast milk is easy to digest. Infant constipation is usually marked by hard stools. I was just okay and think it is normal because she is started the solid food more than before.

Colour/Texture: A sticky black-green or brown tar-like substance that's hard to wipe off, meconium is made up of matter (fluid and cells) baby ingests in utero. When it does pass, a large, hard stool may cause a fissure, anal tearing or rectal bleeding and additional pain, leading the child to be more afraid of bowel movements. Your baby may be constipated if they have difficulty pooping, have hard or pellet-like poops, cry when it's time to poop, or have infrequent or irregular bowel movement. But five to six stools per day is pretty normal." While it's a good idea to expect a lot of poop in the early stages of a baby's life, the frequency of bowel movements among children varies widely,. Just start by increasing what is good for her. Hard baby stool prior to solid food is the most obvious indication of constipation in babies.

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I'm not sure whether to take my Bub back to the doctor or not. I know that now that we have started cereal her poop was going to get thicker. At first, breastfed babies may pass stool often since breast milk is easy to digest.